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The Kukis are indigenous people of Zale’n-gam, ‘Land of Freedom’. Zale’n-gam refers to the contiguous ancestral lands situated in present-day Northeast India, Northwest Burma and the Chittagong Hill tracts in Bangladesh. In India, this includes areas in Assam, Tripura, Nagaland and Manipur; in Burma, predominantly the Sagaing Division, and in Bangladesh, the Chittagong Hill tracts. Prior to the advent of the British colonialists in the twentieth-century, the Kukis were an independent people in their undivided domain, each of the clans governed by the Chief according to its own law, custom and tradition. The Kuki people in Manipur are listed in alphabetical order: Aimol, Anal, Changsen, Chiru, Chongloi, Chothe, Doungel, Guite, Gangte, Hangshing, Haokip, Hmar, Kharam, Koireng, Kolhen, Kom, Kipgen, Lamkang, Lenthang (Telien), Lhanghal, Lhangum, Lhouvum, Lhungdim, Lunkim, Maring, Mate, Milhem, Monshang, Muyon, Paite, Purum, Simte, Singsit, Sitlhou, Tarao, Touthang, Vaiphei and Zou. By: khailet@ Ryan k. Guite t.guite@hotmail.com /// Kgk@europe.com

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Industries Technical Machines.CNC-Computer Numiracally Controlled.

As the industrial technician, you will among other things, to make machine parts of metal. Parts can either be formed on a lathe or sign on a computer. You'll work with the latest machinery and production methods in the iron and metal industry. As the industrial technician, you work for example in the manufacture of marine engines, industrial robots, and learn to handle computer-controlled machines. The work requires high concentration and manufacturing, a fraction of a millimeter make all the difference. Here is the dream job for you that will combine the craftsmanship skills with creative ideas and great precision. Industrial engineer has been an important person through iron and machinery industry history. But the name is new. Earlier he called a machinist.

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